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Contact me

I welcome your comments, requests, questions and suggestions, but please understand that I get quite a lot of e-mail every day. Because of my limited time, I will not reply to questions that could have easily been answered by just reading this website or reading the book.

Alice thought it would never do to have an argument at the very beginning of their conversation, so she smiled and said, `If your Majesty will only tell me the right way to begin, I’ll do it as well as I can.’

Quick checklist:


If you want to offer content for my website like guest posts and infographics, or request links, that mainly serve to promote your client’s products or services, I am not interested. Also, I do not sell advertising space, my website or domain name.

If you have questions about your order or items from the webshop, please read the Customer Service page first.

If you want to know whether the story is about drugs, or whether the author was on drugs, please see the FAQ.

If you have questions about a school paper, mind that I won’t answer general questions like “can you advise me about a subject”, or “can you send me some info about the symbolism”. Get a general idea of your subject first and then pose a specific question.

If you are e-mailing me to ask permission to link to my website, you hereby have it. You are welcome to create as many links to my pages as you want. You still have to ask permission to reproduce anything from my website, however.

My email address:



[email protected]